Were America’s founding fathers influenced by Jesus Christ? Rather than debate the topic, why not just look into their personal journals? What did they say? Christopher Columbus in his Book of Prophecies: It was the Lord who put into my mind (I could feel His hand upon me) the fact that it would be possible…

Guest Blogger: Bethany Blankley Pastor Charles Worley of Maiden, North Carolina created a firestorm among Christians and non-Christians when he suggested that homosexuals be rounded up and put inside electrical fences, left to die. Obviously, this is not the Christian message of loving our neighbors, let alone loving our enemies, which Jesus preached. Yes the…

Is political correctness running amuck in Great Britain? Officials have decided to forbid British schoolchildren from having best friends. The government says it will back a ban on employees wearing crucifixes or any other Christian symbol. A court says UK churches will be forced to marry homosexual couples regardless of church law. And London mayoral…

Across the globe, folks are Tebowing in exotic places. What is Tebowing? It’s “to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different,” says sportswriter Lindsay H. Jones at the Denver Post. The inspiration, of course, is Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, formerly of the…

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