tim scott
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South Carolina Senator Tim Scott recently became the latest Republican candidate to throw his hat in for a presidential bid, announcing his run for the White House. In an address at Scott’s alma mater, Charleston Southern University, Scott emphasized his faith in America and God.

He said, “Today, I think back to my grandfather—a man born in 1921 in Salley, South Carolina, in the Deep South. My family went from cotton to Congress in his lifetime. And it was possible because my grandfather had stubborn faith. He had faith in God, faith in himself, and faith in what America would be.”

Describing himself as “the candidate the far left fears the most,” Scott started his presidential bid with a message of hope, freedom, and opportunity for every American. He continued, “As President, I will rebuild and restore every rung on the ladder that helped me climb because I want my American story to pale in comparison to yours. As President, I will motivate, inspire and require every able-bodied citizen to take responsibility and go to work.”

The CSU Buc Dome was filled with people excited and energized about Scott’s presidential run. To a cheering crowd, Scott said, “Our nation, our values, and our people are strong, but our President is weak.” Last year, Scott told CBN News that he would only enter the race if he felt God called him to do so. Following his big announcement, Scott talked to CBN News, explaining when he felt God making that call.

He explained, “I’d like to say there was an audible voice, but I didn’t have one. But there was this impression on my heart that was really about peace. You know, John 14:27 talks about the peace I give to you, not like the world gives to you, that I give to you; it was a combination between John 14:27 and 1 Peter 5:7 that you cast all your cares upon the Lord for he cares for you. That combination gave me peace about stepping forward in my Faith in America tour where I really wanted to hear from the American people about the challenges we face and the solutions they’re interested in.”

Scott continued, “One thing I heard consistently is that we were a faithful country, but our foundation as a nation is a Judeo-Christian foundation, and the further we get away from it, the harder life gets; the closer we get to it, the better life is. That’s the one message I get excited about.”

He also says that God revealed something to him before he made his announcement, saying, “About six o’clock, seven o’clock I was thinking about it, was feeling nerves and the butterflies, and finally I heard the Lord speak to my heart and say, ‘This is not about you, don’t confuse it. You’re my vessel for this journey, but it’s not about you; it’s about the American people who are starved for hope looking for opportunities and want to protect this nation that they love.'” As he enters the race, Scott says he’s leaning on scripture for strength and encouragement.

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