Canadian teenager Josh Alexander was arrested outside Western Canada High School in Calgary, Alberta while handing out Bibles. A video from Rebel News shows Alexander and his fellow protesters being confronted and shoved by pro-LGBT counter-protesters. Despite not responding to the shoving, members of the Calgary Police Service can be seen putting Alexander in handcuffs.
After the incident, Alexander tweeted, “Today I was handcuffed and put in a paddy wagon for offering students Bibles on a public sidewalk in Calgary. I was released and told if I returned, I would be arrested and charged. I continued handing out Bibles. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.”
In a follow-up tweet, Alexander said the people who attacked him were later charged. Despite the altercation with the police, hecklers, and being arrested, Alexander tweeted, “I will not yield to the pressure of the woke mob or corrupt state. We will continue to spread the truth in love.”
Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, slammed law enforcement officers for their double standard in handing out justice. He said, “If you burn a church in this country, the police won’t devote any resources to catching you. If you hand out Bibles on the sidewalk, however, or hold a rally to defend fundamental rights in a time of hysteria, you will be arrested and fined immediately. We’re a sick society.
Alexander was participating in the international “I Stand with Josh Alexander Day” walkout protests that were organized to support the 16-year-old after he was suspended last November for questioning his school, St. Joseph Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario, for permitting biological males who identify as females to use girls’ bathrooms. He led a walkout after the school did not address his concerns, leading to his suspension.
When he attempted to reenter the school this February, he was arrested for trespassing and banned for the rest of the year or possibly indefinitely. School authorities stated Alexander’s “presence in the building would be detrimental to the physical and mental wellbeing of the pupils.”
In January, Alexander’s chief litigation lawyer, James Kitchen of Liberty Coalition Canada, a legal group formed by clergymen due to Canada’s shutdown of churches, sent a letter to Alexander’s school, writing, “Josh has been penalized for expressing his Christian beliefs regarding gender and modesty, beliefs which also happen to align with both objective truth and actual safety. Josh not only has a right to express himself during class discussions and through public forums, but he also has a right not to be discriminated against by his school for his sincere religious beliefs.”
Christian leaders have spoken out against Canada’s apparent targeting of traditional Christian views, with pastors like James Coates being arrested during the pandemic for opening their churches and over 60 churches being burned during the summer of 2021 due to the outrage of alleged indigenous graves being found on religious Canadian Indian residential schools. Speaking to Fox News in February, Kitchens noted that many Canadians are in danger of being targeted like Alexander. “[In Canada] freedom of expression in general and religion are under attack,” he said. “There’s absolutely no doubt that we’re about to lose all the freedoms we’ve taken for granted for way too long.”