More people are convinced that extraterrestrials do exist. More than half of Americans believe in God. Surprisingly, the number of people who believe in aliens is only slightly lower. As these numbers increase, Diana Pasulka, a professor at the University of North Carolina, claims that a belief in aliens could replace religious beliefs in the…

Which theory explains the existence of life and all its incredible forms, Darwin’s theory of evolution by virtue of natural selection or religiously centered creationism caused and controlled by God? In most debates, those are the only answers offered. Either life itself is a fluke that began in primordial soup with molecules that blundered across…

Militant atheists and religious zealots alike have long peddled the idea that science and religion are incompatible. Prizewinning theoretical physicist Marcelo Gleiser, however, takes intense issue with that statement. In fact, he recently won the annual Templeton Prize for his work debunking the idea. Gleiser is far from the only scientist to disagree with the…

It sounds like something straight out of science fiction, but science may allow mankind to reverse the extinction of the northern white rhino. At the moment, there are only two northern white rhinos left in the world, and both of them are female. The last male, named Sudan, died in Kenya in March of 2018,…

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