Rick Warren, Tim Keller and a number of other prominent Christian leaders are promoting the joys of married sex from the pulpit, reports the Washington Post‘s Lisa Miller. “Last week,” writes Miller. “Rick Warren sent this message to the nearly 500,000 people who follow him on Twitter: “Husbands & wives should satisfy each other’s sexual needs.…

“Atheist alert!” writes Jordan Sekulow in the Washington Post. “New statistics from the Public Religion Research Institute show that over 70 percent of Republicans and over 50 percent of Democrats want a president who has “very strong religious beliefs.” This comes as increasingly aggressive atheist groups continue to mock publicly anyone who believes in God —…

“Because our fear of scarcity trumps our trust in God’s abundance,” writes the Rev. Charles Booker-Hirsch, “we place an undue emphasis on securing our goods militarily.” And that’s not Jesus’ way, writes the pastor of Bethesda Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Md., writing for the Washington Post‘s On Faith section:   It’s a humbling fact: Per the latest federal budget, we…

By W. Bradford Wilcox The Open Marriage by Nena and George O’Neill was published in 1972, as the sexual revolution gathered steam in America. The bestselling book encouraged spouses to “to strip marriage of its antiquated ideals” and, most famously in one chapter, to explore sexual partnerships outside their marriage, if they so desired. Fortunately,…

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