Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, thinks Muslim Americans are being radicalized in U.S. prisons, and he’s promised a “deliberate and thoughtful examination of the issue” during a hearing on Wednesday. “To which detractors say: impossible,” reports the Washington Post‘s On Faith website. As was the case with his March…

“Today’s chaplains wear one of four separate insignias: Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist,” observes Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff in the Washington Post‘s On Faith section. “Now that Pratima Dharm is the Army’s first Hindu chaplain, we need to create a fifth. But the time has come to do more: to create a new approach to the insignias…

“Here we go again,” writes Lisa Miller for the Washington Post. “The Republican primaries are six months away, and already news stories are raising fears on the left about ‘crazy Christians.'” One piece, she notes, connects Gov. Rick Perry with a previously unknown Christian group called “The New Apostolic Reformation,” whose main objective is to “infiltrate…

“A Christian group calling themselves the Circle of Protection recently met with President Obama, saying that they spoke for ‘Christians’ and urging him to ‘protect programs for the poor’ from budget cuts,” writes Jordan Sekulow for the Washington Post‘s On Faith section: An analysis of the group’s Web site shows that they “claim that biblical…

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