Should we be worried that Iran is about to tip the entire world into World War III?  Are some folks reading far too much into all of today’s saber-rattling? Are they drawing wild conclusions from popular interpretations of Bible prophecy flying around the Internet? Or is history’s final battle just around the corner? Many Christians…

Is political correctness running amuck in Great Britain? Officials have decided to forbid British schoolchildren from having best friends. The government says it will back a ban on employees wearing crucifixes or any other Christian symbol. A court says UK churches will be forced to marry homosexual couples regardless of church law. And London mayoral…

This January 18-25, churches worldwide will participate in “Eight Days reflecting on our change in Christ.”  It is called the World Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Why do most American churches ignore the annual event which began in 1908? Perhaps it is because it is co-sponsored by the World Council of Churches. The vast…

Three fourths of all Australians have a problem with gambling. Although the country only has 22 million people — fewer than the entire state of Texas — Aussies spend nearly $12 billion a year on poker machines alone. “Many Australians enjoy an occasional flutter,” says a government website. “However for some, gambling can be highly…

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