Dr. King is often reduced to quotable tweets and his quintessential speech, “I Have a Dream.” However, at great peril, I suggest on the 60th anniversary of this speech, we don’t need his Dream. We need to wrestle with the looming Nightmare that King foresaw. Five years removed from the March on Washington, three years…
The new Israel-based company Holy Gems has launched its luxury jewelry brand, and its CEO, Tali Shalem-Taub, credits the book of Isaiah as part of the company’s inspiration. The Taub family’s history in Israel began with Shalem-Taub’s grandfather, Chanan Taub, who escaped from Europe during the rise of the Nazi regime, setting up one of…
An Illinois elementary art teacher has been fired after several of the teacher’s social media posts sparked concerns amongst parents for their children’s safety. The teacher, known as Kris Martin on Facebook, was first brought to the attention of social media users by Libs of TikTok, a conservative social media watchdog that reposts concerning social…

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Over two weeks after a series of wildfires that have devastated Lahaina, the former capital of the Hawaiian kingdom, its residents continue to grapple with despair and hope. To date, over 100 people have been confirmed dead, while over 800 remain missing. The damage to businesses and homes is estimated to be around $6 billion, with…

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