For hundreds of years, Catholics abstained from meat on Fridays — just as many do for the entire month of Lent. Then came the Second Vatican Council — which put aside centuries of tradition. Among the traditions was meatless Friday. But now the bishops of England and Wales have reinstituted it for their faithful, writes Emily Stimpson in Our…

“Should government favor those made rich by the capitalist current system or should it support the interests of a democratic majority?” asks Anthony Stevens-Arroyo in the Washington Post’s On Faith section. His solution — a “Catholic” compromise” The teachings of the Catholic Church strike a balance between these competing visions by stressing the common good over…

When it comes to finding information on vital issues like abortion, same-sex “marriage,” and faith, the mainstream media simply can’t be trusted, the incoming archbishop of Philadelphia told a group of youth in Spain last week. “Being uninformed about the world and its problems and issues is a sin against our vocation as disciple,” Archbishop…

Despite gusting winds that blew off his hat and driving rain that cut short his sermon, Pope Benedict XVI spoke to a crowd that the Associated Press estimated at “more than a million young people” Saturday night. In the middle of the crowd was 19-year-old Blanca Beas from Green Forest, Arkansas, who for a week has faithfully…

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