Without the other, neither wanted to live, according the children of an elderly couple that died last week. Gordon Yeager, 94, and his wife Norma, 90, were married for 72 years, reports LifeSiteNews. However, their life together ended Wednesday after they were both injured in a car crash. They arrived at a local hospital so…

Are you weary of giving voice to the same tired old invectives when boorish rubes intrude upon your serenity? “Don’t you wish you could inveigh your enemy with a genuinely classic put-down?” asks writer Pete Lewin. “Well, now you can. With this handy-dandy Shakespearean Insult Kit you can have the spleen of The Bard at your disposal! “The next…

Could freedom and democracy be returning to Burma? After almost a half-century of brutal military rule, Christians there are hopeful. “Burma appears to be turning a new leaf,” reports Mission Network News. “The brutal military rule has given way to a civilian government. The head of that new government launched a series of reforms that appear…

Once again, the world failed to end, despite a high-profile prediction from a radio preacher in California. “You may recall that Harold Camping, the self-proclaimed Doomsday prophet who misfired back on May 21 with his ‘guaranteed’ Second Coming of Christ prediction, had re-set the End of Days for October 21,” writes Beliefnet’s Robert Mims.  But…

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