Bishop Paul S. Morton, founder of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship that ordained Eddie Long as Bishop, has openly rebuked the Atlanta megachurch pastor and called him to repent of any sins committed in sexual coercion lawsuits that were settled last month. In a Sunday sermon that was posted online earlier this week, Morton…

The passage of a bill allowing gays and lesbians to marry by the state Senate on Friday, in fact, should leave Christians grieving – grieving that “our God has been offended,” said a New York pastor in his Sunday sermon. Pastor Art Kohl of Faith Bible Baptist Church in  Eden, N.Y. made it clear to his…

Cardinal Jos da Cruz Policarpo of Lisbon, Portugal, a veteran European prelate at one point considered a contender to become pope, reportedly has said he sees no fundamental theological obstacle to the ordination of women as priests in the Catholic church. According to the text of an interview with a legal publication in Portugal ……

Some 200 United Methodist clergy of the church’s Northern Illinois Conference have pledged to bless same-sex unions in violation of the church’s policy on the matter, doing so despite the risk of suspension or defrocking. The Northern Illinois clergy’s declaration comes fast on the heels of a Wisconsin pastor, the Rev. Amy DeLong of Osceola,…

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