By Bruce Nolan 2008 Religion News Service NEW ORLEANS — A months-long effort by Habitat for Humanity International to retool relations with its 1,600 local affiliates has raised concerns in Habitat’s productive operation here, where volunteers have built more than 100 low-cost replacement homes since Hurricane Katrina. The dispute recently surfaced publicly in Texas, when…

By Daniel Burke Religion News Service The Episcopal Church has barred Bishop John-David Schofield of San Joaquin, Calif., from ministry for “abandoning” the church by leading his diocese to secede from the national church last December. Officially called an “inhibition,” the ban was imposed by Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori late Friday (Jan. 11),…

Associated Press Madrid, Spain – The world is in urgent need of dialogue between Western and Muslim countries as a way to combat terrorism, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Tuesday as he opened an international forum. “Never in our lifetime has there been a more desperate need for constructive and committed dialogue, among individuals, among…

Associated Press Atlanta – An 80-year-old leader of a suburban megachurch who is at the center of a sex scandal has been charged with lying under oath for saying he had sex outside marriage with only one other woman, court documents show. A warrant for the arrest of Archbishop Earl Paulk, co-founder of Cathedral of…

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