Associated Press Beijing – July 23, 2007 – China’s intelligence services are gearing up for next year’s Beijing Olympics, gathering information on foreigners who might mount protests and spoil the nation’s moment in the spotlight. Government spy agencies and think tanks are compiling lists of potentially troublesome foreign organizations, looking beyond the human rights groups…

Associated Press London – July 23, 2007 – The decision to slaughter a bull revered as sacred by his Hindu caretakers is justified, a British court ruled Monday, overturning a decision by a lower court last week. The ruling could spell the end for Shambo, a 6-year-old Friesian bull, whose life has been in jeopardy…

Associated Press Manila, Philippines – July 19, 2007 – An Italian missionary priest kidnapped more than a month ago has been released after negotiations with a rogue faction of a Muslim separatist group, Philippine police said Friday. The Rev. Giancarlo Bossi, 57, was kidnapped June 10 in the Southeast Asian nation’s volatile south. Chief Superintendent…

Associated Press Washington – President Bush signed an executive order Friday spelling out new interrogation techniques for terrorism suspects that bar cruel and inhumane treatment, humiliation or denigration of prisoners’ religious beliefs. The White House declined to say whether the CIA currently has a detention and interrogation program, but said if it did, it must…

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