By KEN LEISER c. 2011 St. Louis Post-Dispatch ST. LOUIS (RNS) Taxi driver Nabeel Langrial was chatting with another cabbie last summer when an enforcement agent for the Metropolitan Taxicab Commission stopped to tell him his hat did not conform to the driver dress code. Langrial, a 23-year-old Muslim, told the officer the reddish-brown cap…

By G. JEFFREY MacDONALD c. 2011 Religion News Service (RNS) For the second time this year, a federal regulator has rejected the First Amendment arguments of a Catholic college and cleared the way for the school’s adjunct faculty to unionize. In a May 26 decision, the Chicago office of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)…

By CATHLEEN FALSANI c. 2011 Religion News Service (RNS) New York Rep. Anthony Weiner’s cybersex scandal is an opportunity for schadenfreude born in late-night-talk-show-monologue heaven. Oh, Anthony. What a spectacular shande, he of the unfortunately appropriate surname. So many jokes, so little time … The congressman has been caught with his pants down (literally), the…

By STEVE MAYES c. 2011 Religion News Service OREGON CITY, Ore. (RNS) After just an hour of deliberation, jurors on Tuesday (June 7) unanimously found two members of a faith-healing church guilty of felony criminal mistreatment for not seeking medical care for their daughter. Timothy and Rebecca Wyland face up to five years in prison…

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