By ADELLE M. BANKS c. 2011 Religion News Service (RNS) The National Association of Evangelicals is siding with Jews and Muslims in opposition of a proposed ban on infant male circumcision in San Francisco. “Jews, Muslims, and Christians all trace our spiritual heritage back to Abraham. Biblical circumcision begins with Abraham,” NAE President Leith Anderson…

By FRANCIS X. ROCCA c. 2011 Religion News Service VATICAN CITY (RNS) Catholics forced to participate in ordinations of bishops without the pope’s approval may be exempt from the usual penalty of automatic excommunication, the Vatican said on Friday (June 10). Bishops who consecrate other bishops without a papal “mandate” incur automatic excommunication, as do…

By ADELLE M. BANKS c. 2011 Religion News Service WASHINGTON (RNS) Significant majorities of Americans say it is possible to disagree with their religion’s teachings on abortion and homosexuality and still remain in good standing with their faith. The findings, released Thursday (June 9) in a detailed survey by Public Religion Research Institute, held true…

By BRUCE NOLAN c. 2011 Religion News Service NEW ORLEANS (RNS) The embattled president of the nation’s last Catholic school to employ corporal punishment said he plans to remain on the job in spite of a weekend order that abruptly recalled him to Baltimore. The Rev. John Raphael unexpectedly appeared at a Wednesday (June 8)…

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