Five shrinking denominations generally regarded as “liberal” now have their own translation of the Bible. “There are a number of translations available for conservative churches,” spokesman Paul Franklyn told the Nashville Tennessean newspaper. Now, the liberal churches have theirs, the Common English Bible. Its translation from the original ancient texts was funded by the Church…

Atheists and skeptics now have as much access to our children as we have, says bestselling author Josh McDowell. “What has changed everything?” asked McDowell as he spoke at the Billy Graham Center in Asheville, N.C., Friday evening. “The Internet has given atheists, agnostics, skeptics, the people who like to destroy everything that you and…

A mob of nearly 200 Muslims torched eight Christian homes on Saturday morning in the Egyptian village of Awlad Khalaf, according to the Assyrian International News Agency. The attack was initiated by a rumor that a house being built by a Christian man, Wahib Halim Attia, would be turned into a church. Two Christians and one Muslim were…

By AL WEBB Religion News Service LONDON – A government-funded watchdog panel said British judges have erred in supporting employers who try to fire Christian workers for wearing crosses or refusing to offer sex counseling to gay couples.     The Equality and Human Rights Commission said Monday that employers should ease up, saying current interpretations of…

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