For 13 weeks, the Chinese government has blocked the 1,000 members of Beijing’s Shouwang Church from being able to meet for Sunday services. They are among an estimated 70 million to 150 million Chinese Christians who refuse to worship in the government-controlled Three-Self Patriotic Association, which bars children from attendance and whose government-paid pastors deliver…

“There it was, plain as day.” writes Southern Baptist leader and bestselling author Albert Mohler, ” Monday’s edition of USA Today included an opinion column by a Muslim woman that argued–quite straightforwardly–that the United States government should force a nondiscrimination policy on gender in all places of worship. Asra Q. Nomani, a former reporter for The Wall…

Chrislam, the popular acceptance of Islam by Christian, is “the spirit of the anti-Christ,” writes the Christian Post‘s David Dollins: “I want to address what is beginning to occur in the Church and why it must be rejected outright,” he writes. “It’s becoming increasingly ‘in vogue’ to accept Islam in the Church. “Consider a June…

Campus Crusade for Christ has decided to make a major change. It will drop “Christ” from its name. And “Campus.” And “Crusade.” In early 2012, reports the Internet website The Blaze, the ministry founded by Bill and Vonette Bright will officially drop the name it has held for 60 years, replacing it with a three-letter word —…

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