Lorie Shaull/Wikimedia Commons
WNBA star Brittney Griner has returned home after spending nearly 10 months in a Russian prison following her arrest for bringing vape cartridges containing hashish oil through a Moscow airport. Griner was freed from a Russian penal colony earlier this month in exchange for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. Griner’s return to the U.S. sparked emotional reactions from the…

Sora Shimazaki/Pexels.com
Lydia Franklin says her church leaders don’t talk much about politics. However, they talk about Jesus, His commands to love your neighbors, and the importance of Christians helping others. So when the 18-year-old went to the polls for the first time this election, she took those values into the voting booth. Franklin, who lives in…

Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
Former Vice President Mike Pence says in a new book that shortly after the events of Jan. 6, 2021, he told then-President Donald Trump that he would be praying for him. The conversation took place eight days after protesters attacked the capitol during the certification of the electoral votes, some of them chanting, “hang Mike Pence.”…

The voting may be over, but the issues and partisan resentments that divided Americans for the past four years will likely survive the election and ensuing court battles that could determine who is the next president. This leaves a battle-weary nation with a dilemma: How do we heal? On one hand, the divisions so evident…

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