(Reuters) – Dutch populist politician Geert Wilders was acquitted of inciting hatred of Muslims in a court ruling on Thursday. The case was seen by some as a test of free speech in a country which has a long tradition of tolerance and blunt talk, but where opposition to immigration, particularly from Muslim or predominantly…

Nine-year-old Sohana Jawed was snatched off the street, drugged, outfitted in a suicide vest and told to go kill Pakistani policemen. The third grader refused to cooperate, throwing off the vest as she ran toward police screaming for help, according to Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald newspaper. Dressed in her blue school uniform and a white headscarf, Sohana…

By ADELLE M. BANKS c. 2011 Religion News Service (RNS) Jack Van Impe, a popular End Times broadcaster, has ended his decades-long run on Trinity Broadcasting Network after a dispute over naming ministers that he accuses of mixing Christian and Muslim beliefs. Earlier this month, Van Impe named California megachurch founders Rick Warren and Robert…

By ADELLE M. BANKS c. 2011 Religion News Service (RNS) The National Association of Evangelicals is siding with Jews and Muslims in opposition of a proposed ban on infant male circumcision in San Francisco. “Jews, Muslims, and Christians all trace our spiritual heritage back to Abraham. Biblical circumcision begins with Abraham,” NAE President Leith Anderson…

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