By Omar Sacribey Religion News Service Muslim Americans and white evangelicals find themselves on opposite sides of many issues, but have more in common than other religious groups when it comes to religious fervor, scriptural literalism and social morality, according to a new report. The report by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life…

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Chunks of concrete are missing from the mosque’s minarets. The walls of a religious school painted with Islamic verses are peppered with bullet holes. Black flies swarm over a makeshift bunker, blasted apart under a stairwell. A day after Pakistani commandos killed the last Islamic militants barricaded inside the Red Mosque complex,…

CASCADE TOWNSHIP, Mich. — Hollywood, meet the Bible. Zondervan, the Christian publishing giant, is launching the prequel to its critically acclaimed spoken-word Bible, “Inspired By … The Bible Experience” — an Old Testament version that will include a Hollywood cast with three Oscar winners, five Golden Globe winners and seven Emmy winners. The Old Testament…

WASHINGTON – A Hindu clergyman made history Thursday by offering the U.S. Senate’s morning prayer, but only after police officers removed three shouting protesters from the visitors’ gallery. Rajan Zed, director of interfaith relations at a Hindu temple, gave the brief prayer that opens each day’s Senate session. As he stood at the chamber’s podium…

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