Fearing that the 1,500-year-old roof of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity could collapse at any time, the Palestinian Authority is looking into how to repair the wooden and leaking top of the basilica built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian around 6oo A.D. “After centuries of neglect, the ancient and dilapidated roof of Bethlehem’s Church of…

A group of tattooed Texans on a mission of solidarity roared up to Israel’s Temple Mount and joined Orthodox Jews praying Sunday night at the Western Wall — all that remains of Solomon’s Temple. The hog riders may not look like traditional Pentecostals, but they’re part of “Mission M25,” an Amarillo-based motorcycle ministry that “provides identity and…

The late Moammar Gadhafi reached out through Jewish channels to try to repair relations with the United States during his final decade as Libya’s leader. “Now it can be told,” writes Ron Kampeas for JTA, the Israeli news service. “For the last decade or so, the Jews had secret back channels to Moammar Gadhafi. His overtures to the pro-Israel community “began…

Sheikh Hassan Yousef, co-founder of the Palestinian terror group Hamas and father of New York Times bestselling author Hosab Hassan Yousef, has been picked up in a raid inside the Palestinian territories by Israeli Defense Forces. The elder Yousef had been freed from an Israeli prison two months ago, reported Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu for the Israeli TV Channel…

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