FOX 26 Houston/YouTube
If you’ve ever wondered how Jonah felt while he was trapped inside the whale for three days, why Judas betrayed Jesus, or why Solomon had so many wives, a new app called Text with Jesus is your chance to ask yourself. Text with Jesus, a new app launched in July, is the latest creation from…

Porsche, the luxury car brand, faces criticism after the company shared an advertisement celebrating 60 years of the Porsche 911 that edited out the Cristo Rei, a statue of Jesus Christ that overlooks the city of Lisbon, Portugal. The German company, renowned for its luxurious sports cars, started a campaign honoring six decades of “very…

Daniel Foucachon/YouTube
A liberal Idaho college town is paying $300,000 to three Christian churchgoers who sued the city after being arrested for not wearing masks at an outside service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The city of Moscow recently announced that it would settle with Gabriel Rench and Seand and Rachel Bohnet, who brought a case against city…

Justin Nash felt the need to apologize. He wasn’t sure if anyone at the Denver Pride Parade would welcome it, but he was convinced he had to try. After changing his lunch plans, he set out for the parade to share his apology, written in marker on a poster board, with as many people as…

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