We’ve just passed another anniversary of China’s one-child policy, instituted on September 25, 1980. When put into law, the Chinese government said it was an emergency measure that would be left in place for 30 years. “Since the day the policy began, horrible things have happened. When families can have only one child, they choose…

A Christian high school student has been punished by his school this week for saying he believes “being a homosexual is wrong.” Student Suspended for Saying Gay Is Wrong: MyFoxDFW.com Fort Worth 14-year-old Dakota Ary was sent to the principal’s office, then spent most of the day serving an in-school suspension at Western Hills High School.…

A Saudi official says the results of laboratory tests on the remains of suicide bombers who blew themselves up in terrorist attacks there show they had enough heroin in them to keep them from feeling pain when they blew themselves up. Saudi Arabia’s al-Watan newspaper quoted the Saudi security advisor, Dr. Yusuf Rumaih, saying that the Kingdom sent the samples…

Thousands of Sikhs will gather across Europe Sunday to proclaim their right to wear their faith’s required turbans — and to voice concerns with legal challenges to such headgear in some parts of Europe. The turban or dastaar is mandatory for devout Sikh men. They are not allowed to remove it even to wear safety headgear…

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