By Adelle M. Banks WASHINGTON (RNS) The Internal Revenue Service has cleared Focus on the Family Chairman James Dobson after an investigation into charges that he had violated IRS rules by being involved in prohibited politicking. Dobson hailed the IRS’ conclusion in a broadcast on his conservative Christian radio program on Monday (Sept. 10) and…

Associated Press – September 11, 2007 FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – A charter school may resume teaching in Hebrew, more three weeks after the lessons were halted over concerns the Jewish faith was seeping into public classrooms, the school board voted Tuesday. Broward County board members said close monitoring of the country’s first Hebrew-language charter school…

Thanks to help from a California-based Christian broadcasting empire, a Christian theme park in Orlando, Fla., seems to have boosted its popularity. Ever since Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) acquired The Holy Land Experience in June, attendance figures jumped at least 25 percent, according to Melanie Davies, public relations manager for the park. “That 25 percent…

Associated Press New York – The Simon Wiesenthal Center has launched a multilingual Web site whose main purpose is to inform Muslims about Judaism through a forum that allows visitors to post live questions in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Bahasa and English. The Web site,, which means Ask Moses in Arabic, also will offer essays…

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