It’s here. In my neck of the woods, it’s here. The better weather. The smell of fall. The rain is a cold rain. I light more candles around the house. I crave warm food and the smell of baking bread and apples and the noises outside automatically lower and descend. It’s as if everybody knows…

Do you ever fall in love and not know why? I fell in love with Tarot. I am in love with Tarot. But I don’t think about it, you know? I just do it. Live it. And sometimes I wonder why or how. As a kid I wasn’t into the occult. I was into music…

Are you happy with your life? What do you want to change? Full Moons signal endings, revelations, BIG emotions, and letting go. And a Full Moon Eclipse? Even more so. What do you want to release? It could be a person, place, thing, or idea 🙂 Try this short but sweet Tarot spread for deeper…

This Eclipse creates such dazzling fire. This Total Lunar Eclipse is in Aries next week, October 8th. It is part of a Grand Trine in Fire (Aries/Leo/Sagittarius), and it’s not that this cancels out the wrecking ball quality of a Total Lunar Eclipse, but instead makes it that much more bright with truth. It burns…

I host two Internet chat rooms where we talk about astrology and tarot all things metaphysical and spiritual, and this morning one of our beloved members offered to pull New Moon in Libra tarot cards for the group. He pulled the Eight of Swords for me. Are you familiar with this card? In the Rider…

We were talking about NUMBERS today in the Tarot class. During the first week I had asked folks to list cards that vexed them and everyone, I think, listed a Major Arcana. Even the Star got a mention. I get it. Sometimes the happy dappy do cards can vex us. The World used to do…

I have a client going through a hard time. Broken heart hard time. And I drew a card for her just now. What she needed to know about her situation and the card was so happy… and the following card (sometimes I can’t help but draw two) was also hopeful. And helpful. This girl ain’t…

I knew I wanted to write something astrological today because Mars has recently entered Sagittarius, which feels so different than Mars in Scorpio. Lighter, more hopeful. Not bogged down in Scorpio gunk. Not that I don’t love the Scorpio gunk 😉 The problem with Sagittarius, for some, is its anti-gunk attitude. No bad news please!…

So I was doing a reading for someone the other day. And the topic was love. And the first card was the Tower. And I said JUMP. The Tower is a prison until you jump. Until you change your consciousness. How do you change your consciousness? I got the Death card. Excavation needed. DIG. She…

The Full Moon in Pisces is on Monday. Here are some things to keep in mind: -it can be hard to find your balance on Full Moon day and even for a couple days before or after. The Sun and the Moon are in opposition to each other. The tendency is to see-saw between Sun and…

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