"full moon in scorpio"
(photo source: wikipedia)

The Death Card comes for us all, eventually.

From Angeles Arrien:

The principle of letting go and moving on. Cutting through the very bones, the core, in order to release the new in a rebirth.

From Rolla Nordic:

Liberation. Drastic alteration. Change of conditions. The physical body is constantly renewing itself. 

What a crazy day. I had plans. I had an appointment to make (watch my YouTube video here for more about today’s Astrology & Tarot Guidance) but my body won’t let me. Long story short, side effects from a medication throwing off my day and thus the rest of my week and last night I pulled the Death card for this day, which is also a void of course Moon in Gemini (difficulties with short trips, transportation) and then my aha moment arrived, just moments ago, what this death is truly referring to: not just the destabilized day or plan but a breakthrough and this breakthrough could be not only a good thing but the BEST thing.

Pay attention when you see the Death card. Of course of course yes I know you are always paying attention when you draw cards but it’s more than that — the Death card ALWAYS means the rebirth is coming. And it may be a very ugly baby but it’s yours, all yours.

Wishing you good cards xx

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