Now here’s a card I haven’t seen lately and synchronicity alert! A gal in one of the chat rooms was talking about this card – the Six of Swords, a card I have always liked. A soothing Swords. We’re not piercing through like the Ace or undecided stalemate like the Two or in pain like…

Hmmm. Hmmm says the Four of Cups. The right to refuse. The I don’t wanna. That’s how we see many renditions of this card, but not always, and here I was hoping for a fun card, a sexy card. Nope! The Four of Cups ain’t that. But we’ll work with what we got. Cups are…

Today I return to the Empress. Here are parts One and Two and Three so you can catch up. And this may be my last Empress post for now. I can’t keep away from her for long. She matters too much. * Things are going interestingly on my new YouTube channel. I am doing monthly…

Thus we continue with our continuing story of the Empress and Empress blogs, forsaking news of tomorrow’s Full Moon in Cancer although Empress and Full Moon and Cancer are all pregnant with possibility fertility creativity roundness fullness expectant beautiful. Hmm. Perhaps we should not forsake or forego at all but dive in. Tick tock. Dive…

Our series on the Empress tarot card continues thusly, revelations from this morning’s ferry boat ride. But, first, a story: In my previous post (the link is here) I discussed a reading I got the other day which was part Divination (from the Tarot) and part Shamanic Journey. It was exciting for me to hear…

Today’s Tarot card is the Empress but first a word about Saturn. And a story. And declaration of intent: I want to do a series of blog posts about the Empress. But, first, story time. I got a reading yesterday, from a shaman. Part Tarot reading and part shamanic journey. What I realized: the language…

In the Steampunk Tarot, the Knight of Cups is a woman, and I love this choice. I haven’t worked much with this deck yet but I will. I’m slowing falling in love with the images and what’s not to love about the Knight as Female?  No need to wait for any man on any horse…

YouTube is an incredible resource. So many spiritual teachers, so many topics, there’s not time enough to watch it all and hear and learn. I was listening to a video the other day and I’ll tell you what I took away from it. I took away “I don’t know.”  As a precise point of spiritual…

I feel like writing about one of the more gruesome cards. A card we don’t like to see. That’s my idea of Sunday night fun. So I’m flipping through my deck because I didn’t want to write about the Five of Cups (which I pulled) even though Five of Cups IS a gruesome card. I’m…

Today’s Tarot is the Eight of Wands! I feel like… I feel like we saw the Eight of Wands not too long ago because I remember reading (probably in a Rachel Pollack book) that there are no people or animals or even body parts (like the Aces with their huge hands) in the Eight of…

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