I’m glad to see the Queen of Wands (Rods) today. She’s here as a reminder. Not to grovel. Not to beg. Not to be or do anything less than Queen of Fire behavior. She is the Witch. She is sexual. Creative. Radiant. Faithful. Commanding. Passionate. No matter what she’s got going on, she  makes time…

Today’s Tarot is the Eight of Wands! I feel like… I feel like we saw the Eight of Wands not too long ago because I remember reading (probably in a Rachel Pollack book) that there are no people or animals or even body parts (like the Aces with their huge hands) in the Eight of…

Gemini SPEAKS. Have you ever known a Gemini who did not speak? I mean, a lot. And they are clever. They find the right word. I’ve noticed this with Moon in Gemini too, not just Sun. Verbal precision. I’m shuffling my cards here to draw a little Tarot spread for you —  for the upcoming…

Asteroid Chiron. The Wounded Healer. Teacher. He could heal others but not himself. Shaman. Medicine Man. Green Witch. Chiron went direct on Sunday and I couldn’t help but think: okay NOW we can get better. Chiron found his medicine again. There was a limit to the healing during the retrograde, but now he can treat…

I’ve  been obsessed with Time Management lately and, no, it doesn’t make much sense to me to draw New Moon in Sagittarius time management cards but I’m going to do it anyway.  The Sagittarius that I’ve known have been short on Time Management skills but long on the big picture, big vision, and time travel.…

This is the dark time. The dark time of year in the Big City, Northern Hemisphere. And we need light. Lucky for us, finally, we have some light. We’re still neck-deep in Scorpio Season but Venus, Goddess of Love, has entered frisky fire sign Sagittarius. This is Good News, which is what Sagittarius prefers. Where…

I was rolling a stone around in my hand. A crystal. An astrologer told me once to do that — that I needed to, that it would relax me. Keep my hands busy. My chart is Mercury-ruled. I’m a Virgo Rising. Mercury rules the hands. So I was rolling the purple stone, purple crystal between…

It’s here. In my neck of the woods, it’s here. The better weather. The smell of fall. The rain is a cold rain. I light more candles around the house. I crave warm food and the smell of baking bread and apples and the noises outside automatically lower and descend. It’s as if everybody knows…

Do you ever fall in love and not know why? I fell in love with Tarot. I am in love with Tarot. But I don’t think about it, you know? I just do it. Live it. And sometimes I wonder why or how. As a kid I wasn’t into the occult. I was into music…

What you can do this Full Moon (Eclipse) is release the pain from inside the nut. Release it. Let it go. I wasn’t sure how far this metaphor could take me so I looked up “nut” on my Mac dictionary/thesaurus 🙂 Nut: a fruit consisting of a tough shell around an edible kernel. Your pain…

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