In the Cards

A Full Moon in Capricorn means a Full Moon in Saturn. A Full Moon OF Saturn. A cup of conditions. A helping of wisdom. A diet of sorrow? Emotional truths long delayed — or repressed — come floating up like bellies. Whatever you thought was dead? IT’S NOT DEAD. What is Saturn? Some handy keywords…

Every new loss is a repeat of the first. The first loss. Is every gain a repeat of the first? The first time your mother held you. The Sun is in Cancer now so home, family, and mother metaphors come easy, they slip off the tongue like pearls. A couple weeks ago we got the…

When Mercury went retrograde, we met. When Mercury went direct (earlier today), we met again. The man in the rain-soaked fedora. Remember him? Gemini Sun, Virgo Rising rain-soaked fedora man. Back with a new question for the Oracle. And a new hat. (You can read Part One here.)  Listen, he said. The business thing? Fine.…

I’m not ready for the Wheel of Fortune yet. That’s what we’re up to in my Card Meanings series. Instead I wanted to look at the week ahead. Astrologically speaking, Mercury will go from retrograde motion to direct motion: this is good!  Life gets a little less muddled and befuddled. Plans can be made again.…

I was happy to see the Hermit this morning as I was checking what card to blog about next. From the power of the Chariot to the passion of Strength to the solitude of the Hermit. Alone time. Introspection. Guidance. Silence. Light. Wisdom. Searching. And this, from writer Eden Gray: a journey may be necessary…

When Mercury is retrograde, we are told what to do in terms of what NOT to do. Don’t buy a new computer. Don’t sign a contract. Your flight gets delayed. You wander the lonely airport halls in your bereft heels. Emails get sent to the wrong recipients. Why oh why did you send your hunky…

I was looking through one of my ginormous airtight containers this afternoon and found folders and manilla envelops of papers and photographs and old bills and letters of reference from professors and rejections from poetry magazines but the best find were the handwritten notes from a reading I had with my astrology teacher back in 2008. Gems,…

In one of the chat rooms this morning, a gal mentioned that she hadn’t see the Chariot in a long time. She draws cards for herself every morning, and she’s been sick for a couple weeks now. One of the first meanings I learned for this card was VICTORY. But I’ve also seen it for…

Everybody’s favorite card. The Lovers. Everybody loves love. Who doesn’t love to see the Lovers? But open almost any Tarot guidebook and you’ll see that the Lovers often represents a choice and is the card associated with the sign Gemini, the Twins. I’ve got a Gemini friend or two. One of my Gemini friends told…

I was watching a movie about a young man building a Tiny House for himself. If you don’t know what the tiny house or small house movement is, please Google. So I was watching this movie and it made me think about home. My home. How for years I’ve been living in this small rented…

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