In the Cards

What the hell, Tarot? Last two draws for this column: the Death card. And today? The Tower. The Blasted Beech (Tarot of the Hidden Realm deck). Will they make it? They are falling from a great height. Will they make it? The one with the fiery red hair reminds me of our friend from the…

Well isn’t this interesting. Shuffling to draw a card for my blog post today and I get the Death card. I drew this card the last time I was here. Who is death? What does she want from us?  I decide to go a different route today – I decide to look in my herbals,…

The Death Card comes for us all, eventually. From Angeles Arrien: The principle of letting go and moving on. Cutting through the very bones, the core, in order to release the new in a rebirth. From Rolla Nordic: Liberation. Drastic alteration. Change of conditions. The physical body is constantly renewing itself.  What a crazy day.…

Which Tarot card is most you? This was the discussion on Timeline today. Also: which card is your favorite? Six of Wands, Ten of Cups, the Star, Two of Cups, Chariot, the Wheel, Strength, Hermit, Queen of Swords, among others were named as favorite. And then someone asked me which card was most me and…

The New Moon is the dark time. What we know is hidden. I wrote those words last night, before the New Moon. It’s Saturday afternoon as I type this and many of us have “set intentions,” as is our habit. We have stated our desire to the heavens and we hope to stake a claim.…

I have an oversize Tarot deck, a Rider Waite, and have decided to pull a card for myself each morning as part of my spiritual practice. I’ll be doing this for learning but also to get a heads-up about my day. This morning I drew the Queen of Cups. She who is content in the…

I remember my teacher telling us that the Queen of Swords represents “mourning.” A traditional interpretation. It stuck with me. And was often the case in client readings. But time passes. And books are bought. And experience is gained. And decks magically appear in my hands 🙂 and these days I see her for more…

So I did what I usually do these days, pull a few cards for my morning or for my day and today’s advice? THE TOWER. Okay, Tarot. This is an interesting one. Tower as ADVICE?  Anyone who knows me knows I loathe the Tower. Some say there are no bad cards in the deck but…

Hey little boy. Hey Page of Wands. The Tarot of the Hidden Realm fire-boy, fire-page literally is a little kid. Pages in the different Tarot decks are “young.” We are taught this. Knights are also young, but not as young, teenage perhaps or a bit older. The energy of unstoppable. Even the Knight of Pentacles…

Get through the eclipse okay? Whew! It was an emotional one and I’m feeling better even though there may be aftershocks. Eclipses are never just one day, but word on the street is: less edge, less tense, out-breath. Here’s a card for the coming hours, for picking up the pieces and okay Tarot lovers I…

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