"ten of wands" Get through the eclipse okay? Whew! It was an emotional one and I’m feeling better even though there may be aftershocks. Eclipses are never just one day, but word on the street is: less edge, less tense, out-breath.

Here’s a card for the coming hours, for picking up the pieces and okay Tarot lovers I am happy to see this card because it’s been under discussion in one of the chat rooms and you may wonder why I’m happy to see it well I am happy to see it because I like the New Palladini’s version of this card and I am way into revisioning the “darker” Tarot cards these days.

I see the TENS as a lot. A lot of something, whatever the suit is, Wands, Swords, Cups, Pentacles. And if I read this somewhere, I apologize, because I can’t recall but it came to me the other day.

Ten Wands is A LOT OF WANDS so immediately we have to talk about: what are Wands? 

And if we identify Wands with fire, then what is this element of fire and what happens when there’s an abundance of it? What then?

Now, the New Palladini deck is similar to the Rider Waite. We see the person and her/his famous Wandy bundle but to me, he/she looks peaceful. Maybe they aren’t heavy, just awkward. Bouquet of Wands.

The ten is the last, the ultimate of the suit. Finish line. Almost done, almost there. We can’t get anymore. We can’t have more money than Ten Pentacles. We can’t have more love than Ten Cups. We won’t hurt more than Ten Swords. With Ten Wands have so so so so so so many (insert pause here) dreams.

He’s cradling them, isn’t he? Treasuring. And I think here it’s not so much burden as labor of love. He’ll never let them go. He will carry them all the way.

You will carry them all the way.

Wishing you good cards xx

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