Healing and Transformation

“Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy. The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated.” ~Terry Tempest Williams Our world is shifting. We have…

One of the most powerful messages I’ve seen and I don’t think I need to describe why it’s so important. Our whole world has been set up with confusing often conflicting messages of both profound disempowerment and empowerment. That seems by creation for and by duality. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN LIFE: We have become…

Welcome beloved. Energies are difficult now. Lots of suppressed rage and anger being expressed. This is not to deny the very real issues of institutionalised and economic racism, systemic inequality, and injustice. Let it happen around you – don’t tune in unless it’s relevant. You stand as a sovereign unified being. Lightworkers are not here…

And in a moment – we slowed down and started conversations with our neighbors. We stopped to listen when someone answered “how are you?” We actually felt ourselves caring. What happened? Did we not care before? We started noticing our stress, our sleep, our breathing. We even started to ponder how we spent our time…

To whom do we say I am sorry in the Ho’oponopono prayer? The prayer is a prayer to the self, and a prayer to the universe. We pray for our own souls and the salvation of our souls from suffering. We say – I am sorry for being the cause of suffering. I am sorry…

We woke up and it was a different world. Or perhaps we were sleeping before? These times are for spiritual awakening – a shift in how we think about ourselves and our place on a planet. The virus is showing that humans are interconnected, interwoven into the fabric of this planet. We have always known…

The virus is so tiny – you can’t see it with the naked eye. How can something so small create such fear? How can something so small create such world-change? Each person believes they are small and too small to have an affect. Yet words can replicate and go “viral” – just a simple idea…

We woke up to a different world. One moment everything seemed normal, and the next everything upside down. Many lightworkers had a nagging feeling for a long time that the world was not moving in a positive direction and that the collective was not evolving quickly enough. We saw the damage of greed and consumerism…

Is the music still playing? Cheer up! It’s nearly the weekend! Even if you can’t feel the music, it’s around. Even if you can’t hear the music, it’s playing. Listen closely. I wanted to say to you – even if you can’t feel love or happiness, look again. It’s there even if you are not…

One of my favourite quotes of all time via Friedrich Nietzsche: “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn’t hear the music.” Can you hear the music playing? Does it mean we should ignore what is happening around us and dance anyways? Does it mean we can’t hear…

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