Healing and Transformation

My previous relationship was very hard on me and I don’t know why I chose it and continued to choose it. I guess I was lucky to get out of it in the end when I did, as many stay in toxic relationships for many years or decades, for a lifetime or even lifetimes. There…

“Once upon a time, there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy. The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated…” Terry Tempest Williams The world is a smorgasbord, and it’s up to us…

AUGUST MESSAGE Active and passive qualities, masculine and feminine qualities – we all share them. If we remain entirely passive, usually nothing will get done, and we could easily become lonely and depressed. So it depends what you seek, what makes you happy, what you would like to choose for yourself. Like most things, usually…

Chaos is being caused by the crumbling of the old world to make way for a new transparent world, based on integrity. Our values and culture are being tested. The top-down control approach is no longer working. Even Governments that are centralised and not sincerely serving their people will be facing a lot of dissent.…

With the division and political fervour, relentless divisiveness from media channels, it’s become more and more important to respect other viewpoints, and genuinely listen to people with an open heart. It is important to wake up from the mass consciousness where fear and anger reside, so that we may use this revolutionary energy for our…

One of the themes of the last few weeks has been censorship with the traditional media and social media and even some technology companies deciding to police their channels. The challenge is that if they leave true freedom of speech, as was originally intended, then they run the risk of being blamed for the consequences…

First place your hand over your heart and speak out aloud from your heart. The present moment is a gift. It’s where my focus, energy and actions reside. The stuff outside of that I will now put to the side and come back to later if need be. Here, now, in the eternal present moment,…

“It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements, but it has now been realized that this is a very old-fashioned view held by people totally out of touch with modern thought. The things that really change the world,…

“At the Center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit. And that center is really everywhere. It is within each of us.” – Black Elk In ancient Taoism, Lao Tzu called it the tao. It’s both real and unimaginable, partly tangible and completely intangible, part substance yet purely formless, part describable yet mostly indescribable. Roethke…

So much division and polarisation. So much rage. Arguments going in so many directions. Many points of view. In fact you could think about humanity as a community of points of view – made up of 7 billion + points of view. That is who we are. No wonder, we find it difficult to agree.…

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