New accusations that mega-church pastor Rick Warren is promoting a new world religion that will usher in the Antichrist– are raging again, despite Warren’s adamant and frustrated denials. Fanning the flames on the Internet this time are none other than The New American magazine, the official publication of the right-of-center John Birch Society and conservative columnist…

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is financing a new organization designed to bring all the world’s religions together. “The organization hopes to prevent conflict through interfaith dialogue,” writes Spencer Kimball for the German news site Deutsche Welle.  “The foreign ministers of Austria, Saudi Arabia and Spain signed the founding treaty of a new international organization designed…

Are Christianity and Islam about to merge in to a worldwide mega-religion called Chrislam? Popular TV preacher Jack Van Impe recently ended his decades-long run on Trinity Broadcasting Network after he publicly accused California megachurch founder Rick Warren of mixing Christian and Muslim beliefs. TBN pulled the episode before a repeat broadcast could air —…

CLICK HERE to find out more about “Chrislam”! If there’s any hope for America, radio talk show host Dr. Laurie Roth is having trouble seeing it. “Everywhere we look today politicians, media and global elite are severing the traditional and important boundaries of religion, sovereignty, laws and freedoms fought for,” she writes on the news site…

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