
Spiritually Health Get rid of what enslaves you. Find spiritual health and well-being by discovering personal freedom. Don’t be defeated by your life circumstances. Here’s how to change your life for good. Inspired by Rabbi Karyn Kedar’s new book, “Omer: A Counting“ Written by Susan Diamond, Prayables  1. Decide Moses asked, Who am. I that…

You Can Have a Better Marriage By Susan Diamond, Prayables Some people have a stupendous, fireworks on the Fourth of July marriage. Others have a miserable, cry me a river marriage that really stinks. The rest, fit not-so-neatly in-between. How to have a better marriage? It’s not as hard as you’d think when you take…

Contributed by Susan Good, Visit Gramma Good at I believe in living my life outside the box. I know many women of all ages don’t feel as I do and live inside the box their entire lives. Life inside the box means you’re content to live a routine life. You do not have the desire or…

Written By Susan Diamond, Publisher of Prayables, an online spiritual community for people of all faiths. Is There a Future for Religion? If I hear one more self-righteous matron bitch and moan about the religious morals of young people today, I’m going to smash someone’s head. That’s not very Christian of me, is it? Then…

Contributed by Susan Good Visit Gramma Good at I call my mom at least once a day. Today we talked about buying a scrabble app for her computer. Ninety- two years old and my mother is going to play scrabble on her Mac! How fabulous is this mother of mine! I would normally go…

A Personal Interview With Gramma Good’s Husband for Spouse’s Day Written by Susan Good of Today is Spouse’s Day, so I thought it would be fun to introduce my husband Shelly, my best friend, a father and grandfather of a now blended family. We have been married 23 years. We were both widowed. In…

Read More Gramma Wisdom Written by Susan Good @ Gramma Good I want all of us grammas and our families to have an upbeat year that is family and goal-oriented. As we all know, that requires sticking with our efforts. I guarantee you happiness. I am not saying it is not hard work, but as my…

Read More Gramma Wisdom by Susan Good @ Gramma Good I know the world would be a far better place if the population would practice the Golden Rule. Confucius, the Chinese philosopher, born 500 years before Christ, based his philosophy on the importance of moral values. His Golden Rule philosophy: ‘Do unto others as you would…

Written By Susan Good, Gramma Good Last night a friend asked me, “Rumor has it you are selling your home.” My answer was, “ Not today, but who knows about tomorrow.” And that is the story of life. Time will tell what 2014 will have in store for me. There are two health regimes on my…

New York! New York! It’s wonderful town…especially at Christmas with your husband and members of your family. New York at Christmas is the hustle and bustle of taxis and New Yorkers; The Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall; Times Square that attracts more visitors than any other tourist attraction in the world; the outdoor skating…

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