Oh My Stars

(This blog entry is part of a series about how the planets in your birth chart affect other people, for better or worse. Click here for the introduction.) THE PLANET: Uranus, the planet that has at least three different ways you can pronounce its name… and all of them sound at least a little bit…

(This blog entry is part of a series about how the planets in your birth chart affect other people, for better or worse. Click here for the introduction.) THE PLANET: Saturn, second largest planet in the solar system. Commonly known by the public as “the one with the rings around it.” WHAT IT DOES FOR…

The biggest news about the astrology of 2019, ironically, does not happen in 2019 at all. Saturn conjunct Pluto will be exact on January 12th, 2020 at 22 degrees Capricorn. However, if one allows five degrees of orb, this conjunction comes into effect in February 2019 and will be an influence the first half of…

I’ve been trying to spend more time outside recently. Not because the weather is particularly warm and sunny (I’m Canadian after all), but I find it reassuring to see the Sun. I live in a part of the world where, if you are working an eight AM to four PM job at this time of…

(CLICK HERE for more on The Astrology of 2019) When going over the major transits for any given year, it can be easy to overlook Mars unless it comes into contact with one of the major outer planets. That could be a particular mistake in 2019, as Mars is having a very interesting year. It…

Every calendar year comes with its fair share of Eclipses (or more than its fair share, like in 2018). In 2019 we’ll see a similar situation, with five Eclipses coming. There are a few simple keys to understanding how an Eclipse works. An Eclipse doesn’t necessarily make its effects known the day it hits. Rather,…

Astrology and medicine have a long history together. Although of course one should never take an astrologer’s word over a physician’s word for a medical condition, astrology can be incredibly useful when it comes to choosing a date to have surgery. Case in point: the two kidney transplants that actress Sarah Hyland has had. Sarah…

There is sometimes a tendency among astrologers, myself included, to see the more difficult aspects first and to overlook the quieter and more constructive aspects. As I sometimes tell my clients, the news never starts with all the things that didn’t blow up today, does it? For all these squares and Eclipses and such that…

Jupiter in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces will be in effect for much of 2019. Even though the square is considered to be a bad aspect, there is much good that can be gained from it if you work with it properly. Jupiter is the ruler of traditional religiosity and spiritual beliefs, and Neptune has…

(CLICK HERE for the month’s major aspects!) Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want…

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