Oh My Stars

Beliefnet is a spirituality website, not a venue for political discussion. I’m actually thankful for that. And, as you may have noticed, there are already enough places on the internet for people to yell at each other over politics. You may have noticed that as far as extreme political views go (and tolerance for opposing…

Chiron enters Aries on Monday. If you’re a big fan of reading about astrology on the internet you’ve probably already encountered the phrase “wounded healer” more than anyone reasonably should. That, and you’ve probably come to the conclusion that Chiron is ruler of emotional pain, specifically the kind one gets from one’s childhood or early…

Many people who are learning astrology often complain that it is complicated. My usual response to that is usually something like “life itself is complicated, so why shouldn’t astrology be the same?” Given the popularity of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix, maybe it’s time to change that. For those of you unfamiliar with…

(This is part of the “Ask An Astrologer” series, where I occasionally try to demonstrate how getting a consultation can genuinely help and provide real guidance, using real-life examples. Want to find out for yourself? There’s a link to my e-mail at the bottom of this blog entry.) EN writes: I just heard that having…

(This is part of the “Ask An Astrologer” series, where I occasionally try to demonstrate how getting a consultation can genuinely help and provide real guidance, using real-life examples. Want to find out for yourself? There’s a link to my e-mail at the bottom of this blog entry.) JB writes: I saw your online article…

(SCENE: a large auditorium full of people anxiously awaiting a speaker. The stage is dark except for a single spotlight on the AphroditeCorp logo. The stage lights come up and company CEO VENUS enters, dressed in a black roll-neck sweater, khaki trousers, and running shoes. The crowd roars with tremendous applause.) VENUS: Thank you everyone,…

(CLICK HERE for the month’s major aspects!) Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want…

A typical horoscope lays out what you can expect for yourself in the next week or month based on your Sun Sign. That sort of thing is great, sure… especially if you happen to be the only person on your planet. Astrology, like life in general, is a lot more complicated than “there are twelve…

If you don’t mind, I’m going to be a little personal and a little self-indulgent today. After all, a guy doesn’t get to celebrate his 800th blog entry with Beliefnet everyday, does he? With that kind of a backlog of material, it’s easy for some good and valuable blog entries to get buried in the…

In Part One of this series I described the general effects that each Mars Sign can have in a birth chart. if your Mars is in Aries through Virgo and you didn’t see it, don’t get mad or get even. Just click here and read it.   Libra: Balisong Pros: An elegant, balanced knife that…

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