Healing and Transformation

“God breaks open the heart again and again until it stays open.” – Hazrat Inayat Khan I never understood this quote until now. There’s something deeply destructive in suffering – it keeps destroying that which needs to be let go of – until like falling petals that reveal the center, the heart at its core…

Washington Irving writes: “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.”  I shared this quote with some of my friends and followers and received some…

The soul knows. The soul is way deeper than any surface desire or aversion. Our emotions are likely cluttered and our energy the same by the slings and arrows life sends us. To be propelled onward, it is essential to remember to follow our soul desire – which is eternal – to feel forever embraced…

“True bliss is to remain open—as you are—in the midst of all experience, both heavenly and hellish.” From ‘Blue Truth’ by David Deida Joy and fulfilment often come after despair, as our life inevitably changes. Then it becomes easier to acknowledge the sacred gift of life and to appreciate and respect it for its ups…

Welcome inside the temple of the soul. When you are ready to step through the portal, first remove the final obstacles to inner peace, fear and resentment. Invite the presence of angels. My artwork is designed as a gateway to be used as a meditation tool. This work is a tribute to all humanity and the…

Since my accident, I have had various rounds of surgery and recovery. I suffered acute pain which became chronic in my foot. Ultimately, I went on a specific nerve-pain drug called Lyrica. When the pain became bearable, I was invited to start drawing again, and started to chronicle my path and my feelings on paper.…

What do relationships mean to us. Valentine’s Day Weekend is a time to consider our connection to love and what it means to our lives. The love and awareness we have of self is a gateway to how we view other people. Yet, often in close relationships, the desires we have for ourselves and self-awareness,…

“In our rush to fix our problems, we neglect to allow space and time for our wounds to teach us.” Richard Rohr We need to recognise and acknowledge time as important to sit with our physical and spiritual injuries and fully recover in body and soul. Any injury is not merely physical and not merely…

We usually expect from people and situations and depend on others. Sometimes they are busy with their own lives and there are people we also need to let go of, so that they may find their wings. In the darkest times, the loving Source is still with you, unconditional. Whatever happens in the worst times,…

Love from the Source is Divine love, without impurities or limitations. Limitations are the product of the human ego and the dualistic indoctrination of education, media, as well as collective thought-waves and global patterns of conduct. Our healing power is within. Many are living now in countries with vast political polarisation, partisanship and the power-hungry,…

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