We usually expect from people and situations and depend on others.

Sometimes they are busy with their own lives and there are people we also need to let go of, so that they may find their wings. In the darkest times, the loving Source is still with you, unconditional.

Whatever happens in the worst times, you shall not suffer alone. Your soul is the eternal fingerprint of God that lies within.

“In the valley of darkness, I shall be my own light.” – Navaneeth K. Arka

Please be patient if you’re in a tunnel, have faith that there will be light coming toward you at the end of it, or you will find a way to the light. There is always a way.

Within you shines a magnificent light.

The one consciousness is love. It’s here now.

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You are awesome as you are, and I love you! And if you love me back, please click ‘share’ up at the top!

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