Faith and Justice

Last Friday’s standing-room only hearing before the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission was among the most dramatic I’ve witnessed.  There was outrage – outrage not just from me as I declared the State Department “AWOL” in our quest to free an American Pastor, Saeed Abedini — a U.S. citizen — captured by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard…

One of the most important things we can do is keep the story of Pastor Saeed Abedini in the spotlight. This U.S. citizen is facing eight years in a deadly Iranian prison, convicted for his Christian faith. We know that the situation he faces gets worse day by day. He remains cut-off from speaking with…

It’s unlike any judicial system in the world. On Monday, American Pastor Saeed Abedini went to court in Iran with his attorney to address charges of attempting to undermine the Iranian government. The real problem: he converted from Islam to Christianity 13 years ago and started working with house-churches in Iran. Pastor Saeed and his…

An American Pastor is being held in Iran’s most notorious prison – Pastor Saeed, a U.S. citizen, has been told that he “will hang” because of his Christian faith. And, now the Iranian government has put this case on the fast track – and scheduled a trial that’s just days away. After sustaining painful beatings…

We are on the front lines when it comes to challenging the HHS mandate which requires employers to provide health insurance for employees that include paying for abortion-producing drugs – or face still penalties including significant fines. To date, we have secured injunctions – putting the mandate on hold – for three clients – all…

Some very good news to report. Today we confirmed that a Christian pastor, in custody because of his religious beliefs, has been released from an Iranian prison. You remember the case of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. After spending nearly three years in an Iranian prison, he was released in 2012. But on Christmas day, he was…

When word broke over the holidays that EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson was stepping down, it initially seemed like it was one of those stories where a Cabinet member was stepping down after four years on the job – clearing the way for another appointment for President Obama’s second term. Sure, there was controversy during her…

It’s difficult to believe. The United States government is poised to give Egypt – and the radical Muslim Brotherhood – 20 of our top fighter jets. The cost: more than $200 million in U.S. taxpayer funds. That’s right, we’re using our tax dollars to provide F-16’s, our most sophisticated warplane, to a Sharia dictatorship. Unbelievable.…

The Internet – a global tool in the exchange of information and ideas. Now, the very way that the Internet operates is being threatened by a proposal from Russia – a move that puts the free flow of information and ideas at risk. Russia is pushing for a move that would turn over control of…

We knew it would be an uphill battle at the United Nations. The UN today voted to give the terrorist-led Palestinian Authority (PA) “non-member observer state” status. As we have said from the beginning, such a move is deeply flawed and violates international law. By upgrading the status of this terrorist-led organization, the UN is…

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