One of the most important things we can do is keep the story of Pastor Saeed Abedini in the spotlight. This U.S. citizen is facing eight years in a deadly Iranian prison, convicted for his Christian faith.

We know that the situation he faces gets worse day by day. He remains cut-off from speaking with his wife and two young children who live in Idaho. Prior to his conviction and sentence, he was able periodically to talk with them over the phone. Now, that is prohibited. The fact is Naghmeh, along with their young son and daughter; do not know when, or even if, they will ever hear his voice again.

During a recent visit with his family in Iran, Pastor Saeed expressed apprehension and concern about his fate, openly questioning whether efforts are still underway to secure his freedom.  It appears the Iranian prison guards continue their lies – pushing propaganda to try and convince Pastor Saeed that he has been forgotten.

Pastor Saeed’s wife, Naghmeh, told us, “When I heard this from my husband, I cried. It broke my heart. Behind those walls he feels helpless and relies on us to be his voice. It is so easy to feel forgotten in the walls of the prison. Please help me make sure he is never forgotten.”

The ACLJ remains committed to working to free Pastor Saeed – mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to put more pressure on the U.S. government and international agencies to do all they can to secure Pastor Saeed’s freedom.

In fact, we have produced a new video, which is available here, that tells the story of Pastor Saeed. Please share it with family and friends.

We’ve also launched a new website,, another way to share his story and to generate support for his release. If you haven’t done so already, please add your name to our petition.

And, as always, please keep Pastor Saeed and his family in prayer.

Jay Sekulow

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