Depression Help

Maybe it’s because you were raised to be polite, or maybe you’re a sensitive soul. But, it’s not okay to take blame and guilt for things you didn’t do, or feel shame for who or what you are. Negative people not only send out bad energy vibes, but they also negatively influence other’s thoughts and…

  Ever had that feeling you forgot something? Or someone is speaking to you, but you can’t follow the conversation? Brain fog affects everyone one time or another. But the foggy depressed brain is different. It’s a constant fog surrounding memory and attention. Negative thoughts keep running through your head, and they are all you…

  Does God love the depressed? The answer is yes. But for a Christian, it may not always feel like God is on your side, or that you are loved. Christians are told to fight the good fight against evil, and to be on guard against spiritual attack. Sadly, the Church has in the past…

  Many friends and family have asked me, “What does depression feel like?” Well, there’s no simple answer. Depression has elements common to many people, but its also a very individual experience. My few descriptors of what depression feels like are just a sampling of the terrible darkness. It’s not a full list by any…

We are surrounded by energy. Your body absorbs or repels different types of energy daily. Negative energy affects you in a negative way. It disrupts your chakra alignment, causes physical problems, and shows up as problems in your relationships. How does negative energy affect you? 1. Body aches and pains. These pains and aches aren’t…

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:12, 14-15. A good rule to live by, but sometimes it’s hard to forgive. It takes strength and courage to forgive someone who has…

Protection stones for empaths help to repel negative energies and clear out negativity from your aura. The best protection stones are dark in colour. These protection  crystals transmute and neutralize energy frequencies that resonate with bad feelings. Humans as beings of energy are affected by energy. As a being of energy, your aura extends way…

Dear Friend, We’re living in a time of great change and crisis. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and free from the Covid-19 virus. If you or a loved one is infected, keep in mind that doctors and nurses are doing their best, and researchers around the world are racing to find…

The Law of Attraction (LOA) says you can create your future in a simple three step process. But many people using LOA start skipping a step or two, or mix up the steps. Here’s a reminder of the LOA process in proper order. Be Be the person who embodies what you desire. This means you…

How can an empath deflect negative energy? Energy currents surround everything in the world. These energies are either negative or positive, and they really do affect you. We’ve all known that emotional heavy feeling like you’re walking through mud. Or, being drained of every last bit of energy for no reason except that you were…

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