brain fog | depressed brain | Terezia Farkas | Beliefnet | depression help

Ever had that feeling you forgot something? Or someone is speaking to you, but you can’t follow the conversation? Brain fog affects everyone one time or another. But the foggy depressed brain is different. It’s a constant fog surrounding memory and attention. Negative thoughts keep running through your head, and they are all you can focus on. So you worry lots.

Effect of the foggy depressed brain.

You know you’re not yourself with foggy depressed brain. Your attention isn’t sharp and you can’t think clearly. You know something must be wrong with you, but you can’t put a finger on it.

Depression causes brain fog. When you’re depressed, a lot of bad things happen to your body. Sleep is irregular and when you do sleep, it’s fitful and disturbing. So, your brain doesn’t get its full supply of nutrients and your body isn’t well rested.

Diet is poor. Your body craves sweets so you obediently feed it junk food for that quick energy boost. Once the energy crash happens, you don’t feel like doing anything. Or, you wake up and you don’t even want to get out of bed. Chronic fatigue is a tough symptom, and you can’t fix it by dosing up on caffeine or rest ( the inability to sleep fully being one of the reasons you’re fatigued).

Add anxiety in to the mix, and you start worrying about why you’re not getting things done. Instead of spending your time on solutions to diet or lack of sleep, you spend time worrying about why you’re feeling miserable and hoping it doesn’t happen again.

Brain fog is mental fatigue.

The good news is that brain fog from depression is not permanent. You can reverse the symptoms and get a clear brain again.

There are many treatments and self help tips to help clear up brain fog. The first step is realizing you are suffering with anxiety and might be depressed. Talk to someone about getting help. There’s a lot of anti-anxiety medications that are gentle on the system and not addictive.

Self help tips include mindfulness and meditation. These help your brain to focus on positive things for a limited amount of time. It allows your mind to get clear of the fog. But you must practice meditation and mindfulness regularly to see any real benefits.

Stick to a good diet. Diet is everything when it comes to lifting brain fog. Choose foods that are natural and contain flavanols. Vegetables, berries, nuts, whole grains, olive oil, fish, beans, poultry, dark chocolate and wine are highly recommended to boost memory and attention.

Improving sleep habits and making the place where you sleep a safe zone. Getting some exercise helps boost your circulatory and immune system, and it might make you tired enough to get some sleep.

Foggy brain doesn’t have to be permanent. And it isn’t always a sign of dementia. It can be anxiety or depression causing poor memory.

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