Depression Help

The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a simple idea that explains how your thoughts shape your world. Stated in a nutshell, LOA is the idea that you attract into your life whatever your thoughts focus on. Your thoughts are power. They have the power of manifesting things in your life. Why not manifest your dreams?…

Depression not only isolates a person from other people, it also shreds your words and cuts them off from you. Words become hollow descriptors. They can’t capture the despair and pain you feel. How can words connect with depression? I remember when I started writing my journals and then my book. The words got stuck…

Depression is a heaviness of the soul. When I feel depressed, my entire body feels its weight plus more. My arms dangle because if I try to lift them, it takes all my energy. My core feels like a dull rod has been staked through it. I muster my strength to do what I must.…

I’ve been away from writing for a month. I needed some time for my mental health. Since the beginning of this year, my neck was getting more and more swollen. Having renovated our house, I thought the swelling was from allergies to dust and insulation. It’s a good thing I started wondering why my neck…

As a member of the squash family, zucchini has many health benefits. One important Zucchini health benefit is it’s ability to fight depression. The squash family is full of antioxidants and vitamins. These help lower anxiety and alleviate depression symptoms. Zucchini is a powerhouse of nutrition. It’s an excellent source of potassium, Vitamin B6 and…

Grief is the last act of love you can give to someone you loved. Love is not finite. You don’t stop loving someone because the person is dead. Love reaches past death. It touches the soul of the departed. Grief is love you want to give to the person.  Grief is love that you want…

How can you help your depressed child find God again? It’s difficult enough for a parent to help a depressed child. After all, no parent wants their child to suffer. But when the family is religious, and the child stops believing in God, what can an adult do? The first thing to do is not…

What happens in the afterlife? As a psychic medium, I’ve had many discussions with my spirit guides and angels about that question. What is beyond death? Is death about hanging out in a blissful dream world, or suffering in a horrific hell? Or, is the afterlife a place where your soul recuperates, learns the errors…

A traumatic event is sudden and unexpected. There’s no right way to react. But there are definite signs that you’re not coping with tragedy. Feeling pushed to the limit. When tragedy strikes, a person’s ability to cope with stress, anxiety, and anger is pushed to the limit. Whether the tragedy is of a deep, personal…

Dysthymia is more commonly known as mild depression. The symptoms aren’t as extreme or strong as the ones for major depression. But they are real and do affect you just as badly. With dysthymia, you constantly feel in a low mood, and it never seems to end. Sometimes, people with dysthymia also experience major depression…

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