Angel Guidance

Today’s message from the angels is about finding your personal doorway to your personal healing and happiness. When you are in this place, you are better able to help others or be in service to your life’s purpose. Work on your path to inner healing through inviting Archangel Raphael to overlight your journey. It can…

Today’s message is about deciding that you always have a choice in how you act or respond to what is going on around you “We can let the circumstances of our lives harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us, and make us kinder. You always…

Today’s message is about change and opportunities. It is a good time to make changes in your life. Look at other possibilities and be open to allowing new opportunities to be available to you. Have faith that within you is the power to manifest anything that you can imagine creating in your life. It is…

This weekend we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving. I have always loved this holiday as it has no other agenda than giving thanks. Our celebration has its roots in the harvest festival from our British ancestors and so would probably actually go back to pagan times. It is usually a gathering of family and friends over a…

Contracts and Karma One of the questions we often receive is about our contracts that we make with each other before we come to Earth. We set up many scenarios and options to help us create the opportunities to act out our missions, lessons, and plans. These are all governed by one important understanding and…

Today’s guidance from the beautiful realm of the angels is to keep moving forward. Sometimes you get tired always feeling like you are a spawning salmon swimming against the stream and sometimes you are in order to get to your destination. It is not always easy to keep your strength and continue to endure what…

Today’s Angel Wisdom message is about Seeing Only Love. I think this is an important reminder and also sometimes a hard place to learn to come from and yet also one of the most important places we  can come from. Mother Teresa was no doubt a human angel who transcended her religion and taught us…

Today’s message is about creating Magical Moments in your life. Sometimes you just need to slow down and let what is be and just be in that moment. I had several of these opportunities over the past week when things changes, sometimes because of my actions and sometimes in spite of them. This week I…

The Four Agreements is a beautiful and yet simple book of Toltec Wisdom by Don Miguel Ruiz that I highly recommend for any seeker on a spiritual journey. The first agreement is ‘Be Impeccable with your Word’ This means to speak with Integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against…

Today’s message is about finding the magic in your life. Within each one of you is the power to change your world. You have within you a connection to the great source of all that is and it is this energy that can empower you make the necessary changes that help you to change the…

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