Angel Guidance

I was truly moved by some of the comments I received from Sharing Dad’s Light. Signs seem to be all around us when we take the time to look and especially feel. I am often asked by others “When am I going to hear my angels” or “When am I going to hear a message…

One of the first signs my dad gave me after he had returned home happened one January day when I had been missing him. I drove to visit him at the grave yard, which is something I like to do and sit and chat with him. I know I can talk to him anytime and anywhere,…

Yesterday marked the 7th anniversary of my father’s journey back to the world of the angels. I spent the afternoon with my mom and sister as we have done every year since his passing, often with various other family members, but always the 3 of us, even when I lived 550 km away (350 miles).…

I always like to look at the most popular posts for the month on my Angel Wisdom site ( where I post the daily angel messages I have been sharing everyday for 8 years now.  This months common thread between that and social media is about Change and taking your power back, empowering yourselves once…

Your sense of value and self worth are paramount for good health.  When you put your own health and well-being first, it allows you to be of better service to your life and also the lives of others. Ensuring you have restored your own personal resources  puts you in a place that allows you to…

A few days ago while I was making some breakfast and thinking about some of my goals and intentions that have not manifested for me and whether or not it was time to give up on them and move on to something else. Sometimes it is important for us to know when to walk away…

Making changes isn’t always easy Being brave and crossing the great divide between what is and what you desire to create can be a scary journey, however it is worth it to push the boundary’s and step outside of your comfort zone into the great beyond of whatever awaits you on the other side. Change…

There is great potential for new opportunities. Your angel guidance is to begin to see life in a different way. To look at the different possibilities as choices with great potential. Know that you are worthy and trust that it is so.  There are many paths and doorways for you to walk through on your…

Sometimes when we are spirit disguised as a human we forget that sometimes we just need to stop and accept where we are in order to keep moving forward. We loose our focus and sometimes even our desire to move forward or even to move at all. There can be so much going on around…

Our angels love to give us signs to help to guide us in our decisions and our choices. When we ask for a sign, it is important to take a moment and stop what you are doing and go within. Trust is also an important key. If you have asked for assistance, an answer will…

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