Your Best Life Now

His name is Tom Ziemann (pronounced “Zee – Man”). I’m not exactly sure when we met. I do know, however, how we met. It was on Facebook. When? Maybe a couple of years ago, but that’s about all I can say. Interfaith Spirituality When I think of all the people I’ve met – amazing people…

I think I have finally decided that to believe in hell, as I once did, is really the admission that Love does not exist in you. How could it? HELL? HELL NO! Just imagine. You’re in the imaginary heaven (I say “imaginary” because, I now believe heaven, just as I believe hell, is a dualistic…

No! That’s the short answer. Almost without exception, faith healers are charlatans or just plain misguided spiritual imposters. Faith Healers are Imposters That is not to say your faith plays no part in healing. It does. The role of faith in one’s health is documented. I am suggesting here that the phony flock-fleecing, materialistic rich…

Luke 10:38-42 New English Translation (NET Bible) Jesus, Martha, Mary and the Spiritually-Mature Person 38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him as a guest. 39 She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he…

Jesus was “driven” by the Spirit into the wilderness, as the Gospel writer Matthew describes in detail (Matt. 4:1ff). That wasn’t by limousine either. But, as I pointed out in the first of this four-part post, life will take you, even if it has to drag you kicking and screaming, into whatever you need for…

“So many roads. So many detours. So many choices. So many mistakes,” says the actress Sarah Jessica Parker. Yes, and on the spiritual journey, there are four roads, mistakes, and detours to avoid. But what are they? They are the same detours Jesus sought to avoid, even as I suspect all other spiritual masters sought…

She lives in a travel home, along with her husband. They sold their real house, left their jobs, and took to the road. Now, they travel from city to country to city, bearing a message of freedom, joy, bliss. Her message? One of hope and happiness, as well as freedom and spirituality. Her book? Bliss…

For two decades, I have crisscrossed this country giving my best effort at counseling and guiding churches representing every denominational persuasion, Evangelical, Protestant and Roman Catholic. I have sought to serve churches with one pastoral leader and as small as one to two-hundred attendees to churches with more than 20,000 attendees and professional staffs as…

The first thing God said to Moses was, “Take off your shoes” (Exodus 3:5). Why? Freshly laid carpet? Hardly, although sometimes I think that Hank, our newest dachshund family member could show a little more respect for his new home and stop taking a poop on the decorative carpet that covers a portion of the…

Chaos without? Contentment within! Now that’s the goal of all goals, is it not? So, why is it, that your life and mine has more of the former and too little of the latter? This morning, for example, I had the good fortune of getting caught up in a little conflict with a colleague. Chaos…

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