Hell No! I Do Not Believe in Hell
Hell No! I Do Not Believe in Hell

I think I have finally decided that to believe in hell, as I once did, is really the admission that Love does not exist in you.

How could it?


Just imagine. You’re in the imaginary heaven (I say “imaginary” because, I now believe heaven, just as I believe hell, is a dualistic creation of the mind and that both are states of consciousness, not literally places. BTW, before you judge that as “unbiblical” that is exactly what Pope John Paul II believed, too). But, my point is this: just imagine you’re in heaven – a real place, if you wish, and, from that lofty and eternal place of bliss, love, and compassion, you look down into hell below and see a soul who is burning in torment and suffering.

How could you possibly stand it? Wouldn’t you have to turn away? And then, when you turned away, how could get that picture out of your mind?

That is, if you were really filled with compassion…with love…with forgiveness…how could you ever rest and enjoy the eternal bliss of heaven knowing there were people, maybe some of them your own family, suffering eternally?

If you could stand this, which I no longer believe you actually could, but, presuming you could…if you could…I think what you are really admitting is that your heart is devoid of love.

How could it not be?

That’s my conclusion.

You do not have to agree and many of you will not. But this is the conclusion to which I have come.

To believe in hell is to admit your heart is devoid of compassion. And, for me, I want to become more and more compassionate, not the opposite. So, I have no choice but to refuse to live at a level of existence that actually looks forward to justice and punishment being executed on anyone. So, no, I do not believe in any future judgment or ultimate punishment on you, me, or anybody.


I believe only in compassion, mercy, and love. If that makes me a heretic to you, then I welcome that label with as much enthusiasm as a soldier would welcome the Purple Heart.

I want everyone, whether they deserve it or not, to know and experience Eternal compassion.

And, yes, that means everyone. So no need to start listing those you’re sure should be excluded. Leave that where it belongs – inside a cold, compassion-less heart.

Just my morning thoughts.

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