On the Front Lines of the Culture Wars

    High school student Tom Behan has been writing to Barack Obama daily since the President took office, but it has been a while since he’s gotten any answer. That doesn’t surprise him, since he’s not a fan of the Commander-in-Chief’s position on abortion. And that’s what the Cinicinnati-area high schooler writes about — daily…

David Harris is Executive Director of the American Jewish Committee.  The New York Times has called the AJC, which was founded in 1906,  “the dean of American Jewish organizations.”  So it’s not that radical of an outfit.  But the position taken by David Harris on what is being called “the Gaza flotilla” — boats attempting to run Israel’s…

“God, bring an angel to my side,” prayed the desperate, screaming wife as she struggled to lift a car off of her husband’s chest. “Help me!” In the parking lot of the Bull’s Den Cafe near the University of South Florida, tow truck driver Pedro Arzola, 34, was pinned under the right front tire of…

Don’t plan on carrying your Bible with you if you’re flying to Saudi Arabia. It will be confiscated at the airport. So will your cross necklace and your child’s WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) bracelet. That’s the message buried in the brouhaha surrounding the non-announcement that Delta Airlines has partnered with Saudi Arabian Airlines —…

Atheists are demanding that the City of New York remove a Brooklyn street sign in front of a fire station honoring its seven firefighters killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. They say they are offended by the word “Heaven.” The street, “Seven in Heaven Way,” was officially dedicated in Brooklyn outside the firehouse where the seven served.…

The medical journal Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathology reports that organs harvested from euthanized patients make better transplants. Euthanasia or “mercy killing” is the practice of ending the lives of patients who are terminally ill and have no possibility of recovery. Proponents say it ends unnecessary suffering. Opponents say legalization is a slippery slope. In its most extreme,…

Ranchero Elementary School allowed 10-year-old Calise Jontz to make her heart-felt speech against abortion. To an auditorium cleared of students. “Did you know that from the moment of conception, every distinctive characteristic of this new human being is programmed into this single initial cell?” asked Calise Jontz, a fifth grader during the May 6 Annual Zone Public…

The stray dog had been thrown away — found in a dumpster. But it recently saved its young owner’s life — and apparently has a special sense of when the child is going to suffer a seizure from a rare neurological disorder.

A British law firm is using Twitter to offer free divorces. However, unhappy couples must act quickly to take advantage of the special offer, says London’s The Daily Mail newspaper. And that has local church officials irritated. “The free divorce offer is an attention-seeking stunt intended to attract business from elsewhere. Its tone seems at odds…

Nine-year-old Sohana Jawed was snatched off the street, drugged, outfitted in a suicide vest and told to go kill Pakistani policemen. The third grader refused to cooperate, throwing off the vest as she ran toward police screaming for help, according to Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald newspaper. Dressed in her blue school uniform and a white headscarf, Sohana…

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