
We may have all heard of the double-edged sword. What you may not have heard is that there are people dumb enough to actually create and use them in hope of harming perceived enemies. I’m thinking of the crazy situation in Syria, and more specifically the requests by desperate Syrian rebel groups for advanced anti-aircraft weapons from the United States.…

Politicians who try to portray the world in terms of an epic struggle between Western “modernity” and Islamic “medievalism” will achieve nothing but send us back to the Christian Crusades. Defenders of Europe as a Christian continent are incredibly naive about their own history. And this is why, to quote a great sociologist, history always repeats itself. First as…

Ben Carson wants to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic (except himself) Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s remark that a Muslim can’t be President of the United States has attracted a set of defenders. They’re ready to stretch the meanings of his choice of words into absurdity in order to make them sound…

The illegal confiscation of all our email and phone call data by the US National Security Agency (NSA) isn’t just unconstitutional within the United States, but is a direct threat to the ability of religious traditions to continue. It is a type of desecration and a direct state invasion when used against churches, and so religious believers…

Que voulez-vous enseigner avec votre exemple? Qu’il ne faut pas tuer. Et comment enseignez-vous qu’il ne faut pas tuer? En tuant. What do you want to teach with your example? That thou shalt not kill. And how do you teach thou shalt not kill? By killing. Victor Hugo While the arrest of the Texas Muslim…

Un menteur est toujours prodigue de serments. A liar is always lavish of oaths. Pierre Corneille The migrant refugee crisis taking place in Europe is filled with scenes of irony and poetic justice, as European countries smeared in Syria’s blood are forced to take a bite of the destabilization they encouraged in Syria. The Syrian rebels’ dream…

Je ne dis ces choses que dans la mesure où je considère que cela permet de les transformer. I do not say such things except insofar as I consider this to permit some transformation of things. Michel Foucault We have the ability to outmatch human labor with computers, to clone, to manufacture anything, to produce unlimited free energy,…

Après le pain, l’éducation est le premier besoin du peuple. After bread, education is the first need of the people. Georges Danton Saudi Arabia and its supporters are obsessed with saying there is a sectarian war within Islam. While there is evidence Saudi Arabia, other Gulf Arab tyrannies and terrorists fight out this sectarian war, there is little evidence…

La grandeur du crime est la seule différence qu’il y ait entre un conquérant et un brigand. The scale of the crime is the sole difference between a conqueror and a thief. Marat Patriotism has negative connotations in some countries and positive connotations in others. Albert Einstein said it was the world’s most dangerous disease. The reality…

Douter de tout ou tout croire, ce sont deux solutions également commodes, qui l’une et l’autre nous dispensent de réfléchir. To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. Henri Poincaré The current violence plaguing Iraq and by extension, Syria, is the result of war crimes…

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